15 February 2007

Women Are From Venus

Yesterday, Roadchick and Michael from the ER were conducting one of their standard email "conversations". These conversations cover a lot of different topics, but one thing we've discovered at the ER is that the Chick has some good insights in to translating what a fem says vs. what she means. Its like having a shortcut to the Women's Handbook.

This sparked an idea from 'chick. (She's in the creative department, I'm in Production and Marketing)

Gents, this is your chance to lay it all out.

'Chick is going to select a couple of other fems to assist her in answering your questions in a "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" type of way. Then, 'chick has already extended an invitation for the fems to ask questions and Michael and a select few rational gentlemen (I use that term loosely) will answer their questions.

Any question is fair game - relationships, friendship, sex, gift-giving - whatever you've always wondered but never had anyone to ask.

Feel free to leave your questions in Comments -or- you can email the ER at the cardiac.fantasies(at)gmail.com - If you want to remain anonymous, just say the word and we might not mention names, though if it is hugely embarrassing, I can't make promises. No, anonymity will be maintained at the request of the questioner.

The deadline for questions is Friday, February 23rd and the answers will be posted shortly after that.

Have at it, guys. The answers will not be the typical humor filled tongue in cheek stuff we normally get. The fems have promised to do their best to provide real answers, if somewhat amusing ones.


mist1 said...

I don't think women can be from a place that rhymes with penis.

briliantdonkey said...

I think a better title(and one I have had in my mind to use for some form of book or so) is "WOMEN are from Mars and men have a penis." That or "Men are from mars and women lack a penis"


Michael Thomas said...

UPDATE: The Men's Panel will be as follows: Q, Gyuss, BD, and Michael. Get your questions in. We've got one week.

Roadchick said...

The 'chick has a male question for the fem panel over at the Roadtrip and it's a good one.

Boys, y'all are slacking - this is your chance to get the truth, with zero emotional entanglements and no tears.

Or are y'all afraid??? *g*

Michael Thomas said...

Here's one for the Women's panel. Unless you actually like to fight, why is it that you all will keep doing a thing again and again, knowing that it has provoked a fight every single time in the past, and therefore knowing full well that it's going to cause a fight again?

Michael Thomas said...

Here's another - Most of you seem to want to go out with nice guys. Why do you then so often end up with the A$$holes? And when you find a nice one, you end up taking advantage and taking them for granted because they're not A$$holes and you know you can get away with it. What is up with that?

Steven said...

I think everyone but me is from the once a planet, now just a rock Pluto. :)


Michael Thomas said...

Thanks for stopping by Steve. But give us some questions to post to the Womens Panel (or should I say the knitting circle), oh, Scheissen, did I say that out loud?

heather said...

michael, 'the knitting circle' ?! oh scheissen is right, don't you know they're all ninjas in disguise sharpening their prefered stakes? the fact that they can create such glorious cardigans at the same time only speaks to their skills :-) lol

heather said...

forgot to respond to bd, i am a woman, and i do have a penis. i simply allow my husband to carry it for me cause it makes him feel important. ;-)

Roadchick said...

Michael. Oh Michael. Have you NEVER looked really closely at the picture that pops up next to the 'chick's name? The skull with the knitting needles? That says 'Knit or Die'? Tread carefully. Some of those needles are double-pointed. And only the 'chick knows which ones are coated with Thorazine.

Michael Thomas said...

Talk your trash, 'chick. I'll be getting some backup before Friday. Guaranteed, Dahling. Neener Neener. Besides, my man armor can defeat your silly aluminum knitting needles ANY day of the week.

Michael Thomas said...

MIST - Sorry, I should have answered last week. Women are from Venus, which rhymes with Penis, because deep down they all WISH they had one. Ask Hillary. Her problems, and possibly Big Bill's, would have been solved. LMAO

briliantdonkey said...

Okay I am a bit confused. I keep seeing comments making it sound like there have been numerous questions asked of the men by the women and yet I am not seeing them. Am I looking in the wrong place? Granted I only see two from the guys(killer here and anon over at chicks place)plus a few from michael on his blog but I am only seeing one from the women(ariel's here). Am I missing them somehow or are you imagining things chick? And no, that doesnt count as a question.


briliantdonkey said...

Okay for a question for the women:

Why can't yall just say what you mean? For example:

me: whats wrong?

her: A)nothing, B)I don't want to talk about it

me: okay.

(a week, two, or 12 passes)

during a totally completely unrelated minor argument....

her: "well you COULD have found out what was bothering me that time 6 weeks ago but you took my 'nothing' and 'I don't want to talk about it' as meaning nothing and I don't want to talk about it. Now you must die you insensitive prick!"


Michael Thomas said...

Here's a corollary to BD's question:

When something is clearly bothering us, and you ask what is wrong, and we tell you "I don't wanna talk about it. It isn't you. " then why do you all hear "I wanna tell you all about it. It must be all about you. Now ask me a million questions and REALLY get me pissed off."

Michael Thomas said...

BD - She is also collecting email questions, etc. and saving questions from herself. I'll have her email the list and pass it on so we can get started a little early.

Michael Thomas said...

And here's one from email (probably a wise decision, all things considered):
How do we open the subject of a threesome without getting killed? Guys all dig this scene. You all will never bring it up even if you're curious and/or interested. So how do we do it respectfully without dodging shoes, coke bottles, and the family cat?