09 February 2007

Building Up The Walls

One of the hardest things in the world is to pace back and forth in a cage you built, opened, and locked yourself into, all by yourself. Humans really don’t deal well when they cannot blame a bad situation on someone else. Those afflicted with Depression can complicate this even further. They can see the consequences of their actions well in advance, and understand how bad it could possibly be, and still not be able to summon enough energy on a bad day to give a flying f**k at a rolling donut about what they are fixing to do to themselves.

But everyone builds their own cages. Seems like we can’t avoid it. Is it part of our nature? Are we that dependent upon boundaries that we will place them on ourselves in order to be secure?

For you weekend blog warriors – Tell us about your self imposed cages. What boundaries have you placed on yourself?



mist1 said...

I live in a body cage. If you're curious, ask me via email. Not here.

Roadchick said...

De debbil you know is better than de debbil you don't.

Let's get satellite for the cage, ok?

Anonymous said...

cages... i have many. a husband, a child, a mother who depends way to much on me. i don't think these are the cages you were talking about though. my most secure cage of all is the lack of ambition. it's hard to fail at something if you never try. which brings on the catch 22. if you don't try, you've already failed. kickin cage don't cha think. it's name is fear. i know it well. perhaps you've met.

Michael Thomas said...

Mist - Email sent.
'chick - Already ordered cable. Been raining too much for the dish.
Heather - We met, and dated. It was a love/hate relationship. Fear ended up ditching me for Sanity, and eloping. So it goes.

fringes said...

I just do my best to get outta bed on the weekends, yo. Don't have a lot of time for cage building. But thanks for asking.