12 October 2006

Reminder - Dream Challenge

Just a little reminder that tonight is tonight.  Let’s see what happens.  For the list of rules (all one or two of them) see the challenge.  Dream Challenge


Come on, play along.  You just never know what might happen.




Roadchick said...


The 'chick had a dream last night - not the one for tonight, but another one and she actually told herself (in the dream) "You need to remember this & tell Michael about it".

Now? No idea what the dream was except for the "tell Michael" part.


Maybe it'll be better tonight. Assuming, of course, that the 'chick remembers to prompt herself about the dream experiment.

Michael Thomas said...

Well, its that time. The dark, the forest, the rustlings in the bushes.

Time for the experiment. Good Luck All. We'll see you on the flip side.

Dream True.


Roadchick said...

Well...not so much. The 'chick did remember, did give herself a talking to after she was tucked in, but...

There was a dream of some sort, but it involved contact lenses that were about a quarter of an inch thick and the 'chick couldn't figure out how to get them into her eyes without them hurting. Not a tree in sight. Of course, that could be because she couldn't figure out the contact lenses!

The big dose of Nyquil for the change-of-weather cold that she seems to have caught probably didn't help either.

Anonymous said...

I got nothing last night, no memory at all, although I did try.

Might have been too much beer.

Definately too many Caesar's tonight.

Michael Thomas said...

It's amazing how many different substances can dull your mental edge. It's a wonder we survive at all.