10 October 2006

Off to Dreamland

We need to lighten things up a bit around here.  I am still a little wary / tense / fearful / uneasy about the last couple of posts.  After rereading them several times, I still have that “I can’t believe I ate the whole thing” kind of feeling going on, from the old Tums ?? commercial.  It almost feels as if, after going that far, everything else will be anticlimactic.  Where do I take it from here.  I stated earlier that once you post something like that, it basically changes the interplay between the writer and the reader forever.

I don’t want to just stop blogging.  But I need a jumpstart.  I need some motivation from the regular readers.  I’m starving for input to get me going again.


So here is an attempt – lame as it might seem at this moment. 

I rarely dream – at least vividly enough to remember anything.  I truly believe, though I have found no medical research to either confirm or deny the connection, that Seratonin levels that are off are either 1) responsible for denying a person a proper “dreamworld” or that 2) The extent to which you can dream effects the efficient and normal Seratonin release in your brain.  No matter what, I have vivid proof within myself that the two seem to be undeniably linked.

Normal Dreams are your minds clearing house and organizational assistant to clear out random trash and organize all of the input that the human mind receives.  People that dream seem to be more happy and more – call it stable, or adjusted.  I can identify, all the way back in high school, the general area of time that I stopped dreaming, and it coincides so closely to the point where I can identify that depression due to “off” Seratonin levels first entered my life. 

For the most part, any memorable dreaming I do any more has to be induced by complete bodily exhaustion, or chemical use.  I mean, if you don’t dream much, go buy a box of nicotine patches and throw one on before bedtime.  I guarantee your mind will have a vivid party that night.  But it isn’t natural, and therefore doesn’t serve the function that it was intended to – cleaning up the mess.

One recurrent dream theme that I do remember from twenty six years ago was the paralyzed thing.  I had repetitive dreams where I was needed desperately to do something, to help someone, and before I could get there, my dream body would suffer like total paralysis.  I could remember trying to reach out, trying to stop from flat out falling on my face, because I couldn’t move a muscle.  I would hit the ground and lie there, watching the scene I was supposed to have been in play out.  Helpless, paralyzed, unable to do a thing but watch.  I woke often with tears of frustration in my eyes, knowing that I could not change a thing.


So help me out.  Jumpstart me.  Give me some input.  Tell me about your recurrent dreams.  We really need to lighten things up around here, and it seems that I can’t do that by myself, right now.






Roadchick said...

The 'chick has dreams of place...weird deja vu type things where she knows that she's been there before but what she cannot figure out is if it's just the sense of deja vu or if the dream is actually recurring. Very few "bad" dreams which is a good thing because that sense of dread stays all day long. But, as a rule, the 'chick does not remember her dreams in the morning - if she does, she is exhausted all day long.

Michael Thomas said...

'chick - I'm going to make every attempt to post some pics of RenFaire for ya soon.

I just don't dream. I would absolutely have to remember something. I'm too light a sleeper. Maybe I just don't go deep enough. >>Pouting<<

Anonymous said...

I've been dreaming about babies lately. A lot. None of them are my babies but still. Babies. Weird.

I have several recurring dreams: I dream about 9/11 a lot, those sort of apocalypse-end-of-the-world type dreams. And I dream about tornadoes a lot for some reason. I don't know how much that's going to lighten things up for you.

As far as what you blog about, don't feel like you have to censor yourself. You've seen the kind of crap I write about so I say write whatever you're comfortable sharing.

Anonymous said...

I'm certain that I do dream, I just don't remember them, except...

Twice in one night. Woke up from the first, stayed up for half an hour, then went back to bed.

Another dream, same subject, same place. Copious amounts of blood (mine). I'm at work and I can't get anyone to help me.

Definately won't lighten things up, but I don't remember any others before or since.

Michael Thomas said...

Babies, blood, and "Been There" - So do you think that we can alter our dreams beforehand? Perhaps we can experiment. I'll post it tomorrow as a new post, so that those with live bookmarks and feeds will see it and have the opportunity to join in the experiment. So here's the parameters. On Thursday night, for those that want to join, in the hours before bed, and as you go to sleep, picture a scene - night time, walking down a dirt road, through the middle of a forest, beginning to mist, and your flashlight goes out. No moon, noises from the underbrush, pretty much a classic Halloween deal. So picture it, and think about it, and try to ponder it as you fall asleep, actually visualize dreaming about it, try to dream about it. Then the next time you're on, post a comment describing anything you might have dreamed about, whether it worked or not. Our control group is the rest of humanity, since they won't be trying. Maybe, given Halloween is coming, we'll make some connection and share the dream.......
