13 March 2007


When you’ve gone that far, where do you go from there? I have the feeling that I made this very grave error back when I started this blog. I was fresh. I was energized. I was full of ideas about where it was going to go and all the things I was going to find out about myself and finally tell about myself with the aid of anonymity. The Beast was hunting full time back then, and acting, as always, as my muse and inspiration. I thought back then that if I told all about myself, that it would help someone, somewhere, deal with their own similar issues. I thought I could make the world a little brighter, one person at a time. I spilled practically my entire life history in the course of a two or three weeks. Every major thing that had impacted my life was laid out in intimate detail. I’d never even done that in a journal. I’ve never told the Sigo even half of it. Oh, I’ve still got a couple of dark secrets, but I pretty much laid it out down to the night I tried to bleed myself out in the middle of the desert. Renaissance came and went, and gave me a lot more material to work with. And jerked a few more secrets from my gut. The ER veered off course then. First it was the guest blogging. Then the Venus-Mars deal. And finally, it just up and f-ing died. There’s practically zero content in my blog anymore, when I do post. I think it crossed the line from meaningful to self-justifying excrement a long time ago. Deep down, I’m scared in my gut that if I don’t keep posting, even some frivolous spur of the moment garbage, that the small reader base I do have will bleed off like a puddle of water in a desert wind, leaving only cracked, barren earth behind. I’ve developed a few close blog “relationships”. I hesitate to label them friendships outright, because they are both more and less than that, in their varied ways. These, too, seem perched on an invisible, fragile, and very thin line, where the slightest touch will send them over the edge to shatter on the black rocks below. My list of fears grows by the minute. Add those relationships to the list. It’s been an incredibly bad year healthwise for me, and I turned 41, and I’ve reached that invisible point already when you start wondering if you’ve already passed the halfway point in your life, and wasted that first half. I fear that I’ve crossed that line, too. My worst fear of all, though, is that I’m becoming the bitter, angry, early aging leech that I promised myself that I would never become. I see nothing but the same four blank walls in my future, the same cage. I’m scared to death that my life as it is right now will never get any better, that there is nothing more to look forward to than paying bills, working, and watching TV every night. I’m terrified that my body is already writing my obituary, and that my brain will accept the final manuscript, and I will cease to be. I haven’t crossed that line yet, but I can see it glowing on the near horizon, approaching ever faster as it becomes a blur of light rushing towards me, to cut me down like a scythe at harvest. I feel like a robot already, with no heart, no feelings, nothing but lines of code, input, output, the sole reason for existence is to continue to process, without tasting or feeling or touching the world that the computer code describes. When you’ve gone this far, where do you go from here?


Blognote: I seriously considered closing comments on this. This isn’t a cry for attention. (Here I am, screening, explaining, and justifying again). This isn’t a plea for interest or more comments. This just. .. . . . is.


heather said...

i think at some point in our lives most of us come to the same conclusions. the hardest part of all is to ~allow~ yourself to grab onto that miniscule seed of hope and to nurture it until it becomes, perhaps not a full garden, but at least a good sized plant. you have the added burden of the beast, but yet one of the things that attracted me to your blog in the first place was your willingness to lay it all out on the line and your strength.
as for your blog changing, think of it as a growing child. the beginning is always intense as it grows by leaps and bounds, fleshing out and becoming whole. after all of this furious activity though, a rest is needed. a chance to recharge. to prepare for the next growth spurt. remember, just because the child started out with baby fine, tiny curls of gold on his/her head doesn't mean that it won't straighten out and turn to a brunette later in life. anyone who expects your (or anyone else's) blog to remain the same in tone, look, or content has ~no~ clue about the human condition. we change. that is the only constant in life.
having said that you have at least one devoted reader for as long as you choose to blog in me.

heather said...

*sorry that was so long but you're too far away for me to grab by the shoulders and shake some sense into you. lol*

mist1 said...

I think we all think about the deaths of our blogs from time to time. Sadly, sometimes that will mean the end of lots of relationships. The few that remain will probably mean more to you.

Anonymous said...

My very first blog was called "Blogs Die". It happens. They also change, constantly. They evolve. You may lose readers, you may gain readers. It all washes out in the end.

But that isn't the real issue. You're not happy in your 'otherworld' life and that discontent is simply reflected in your blog.

You control the lines. You can draw them in the sand or keep moving them forward. Life is too damn short to live it miserable. Do what you have to do (short of taking your own life) to be happy. Just remember with every choice comes a consequence.

Michael Thomas said...

Heather - Quit shaking, hon, I'm hung over.

Mist - This blog is an only child. It has no siblings. It must not die.

Bice - "Do what you have to do to be happy." Point taken. Something tells me the Sigo wouldn't appreciate that attitude. *eg*

heather said...

in that case you may want to wait to listen to the show, bice found the sound effect buttons. ;-)

heather said...

a kiss from me to you, mmwwaahh! happy saint patrick's day michael!

fringes said...

We've all gone through the existential blog angst at some time or another. Blog through it, breathe through it. After 14 months or so, you won't care who's reading or who's listening, only that you're the one having fun with it. If you're down to an audience of one or two (you and you), and it's still all good, you're blogging for the right reason.

heather said...

*if you're not baptist you may not get this*

some glad morning when michael posts again,
i'll squeal with joy oh lordy.
to see his words on my desktop screen,
i'll squeal with joy! i'll squeal with joy oh lordy, i'll squeal with joy, to see his words on my desktop screen i'll squeal with joy.

sorry, this is how my mind is working today. just thought i'd share the pain. lol
seriously though, take your time and do what you have to do. devoted fan/stalker/blog whore that i am, i will be here.

Susan said...

(clapping as heather sings, dancing up and down the aisles)

uhhh...I guess I'm in that mood too. lol

heather said...

yea doggy! it's revival time at the er! i'll bring the fried chicken (with ~extra~ hot sauce in the breading) and the grits!! we'll have michael fixed up right in no time!

(i may be a yank but i can do fried chicken and grits, it's the country fried steak i always screw up... go figure!)

Anonymous said...

Careful Heather! You're gonna get me to preaching again! Praise the Lord and pass the Bosco!

We miss you Michael.

Michael Thomas said...

Not gone, folks, but work is picking up, in addition to the whole lack of anything to talk about deal. I'm just an email away.

heather said...

we know michael, just having fun and keeping your blog hits moving upward. :-) ariel and i have both been a bit.... loopy, batty, strange today and we figured you'd enjoy seeing someone (other than yourself) get a little nuts. ;-)

Susan said...

On top of that I finally made a yahoo account so I talked to Heather last night. Woooooo fun.