20 March 2007



heather said...

other than trying to figure out how to put this on my blog this was pretty cool, i just wish it had been set up so that you could list your 1st, 2nd and 3rd choices. i ~almost~ chose the same 'that's gross' but went with the toilet instead. lol i will say that i'm not suprised by your answers other than the cigs, who knew! thanks for listening last night, i appreciate it.

Michael Thomas said...

You know my feelings on the toilet lids.

I don't think there were enough sex related choices to accurately identify my Visual DNA!

I want a rematch.

heather said...

with the way your mind works i'm suprised you haven't found a way to connect toilets to sex. lol ;-)

Michael Thomas said...

How droll. You know I wouldn't stoop to anything lower than the bathroom sink. Especially with a bad back. *eg*

heather said...


Susan said...

These things help me while I'm zoning at my desk. Zoning and drooling.