03 November 2006

Meet the Beast


          Good day, fair readers.  Allow me to extend my humblest apologies.  I have already had to drop out of NaBloPoMo.  I certainly should have known better than to think I could pull it off while working two jobs and with the relatives coming for Thanksgiving.  Be of Good Cheer, however.  Your lowly servant will still be maintaining as close to an entry a day as possible.  So, without further adieu, I have something I would like to introduce you to………..

          There are many of you out there in the real world that absolutely detest it when someone claims to have depression.  You probably don’t believe in medication at all, and prefer not to use it, even an aspirin, when you can possibly avoid it.  You wake up in the morning full of energy most of the time, make it through your day without an issue, you’re happy when you should be and you’re sad when its appropriate, and you’re probably not very demonstrative of your feelings.  You’re probably very strong inside, as a person, but part of that is fear, because you can’t stand seeing anything you deem to be weakness in others, lest it be contagious.  Let’s see, what else…….  ah, yes………  you are also utterly arrogant and misinformed fools running around in blinders.  HAVE I GOT YOUR ATTENTION NOW?  Can you pull your blinders off long enough to look at it from another perspective, or are you too much of a self-centered egotist to even see that there is another side to everything, and that it doesn’t necessarily not exist just because it doesn’t fit your current rosy little world view.

          Oh, you’ve all seen the commercials.  People lying on the bed, or sitting with chin in hand and staring off at the horizon.  Everybody moping, everybody sad.  Oh, for the love of Mike, even the damn dog in that commercial looks like it just lost its last friend.  It’s a commercial, people.  It makes you nauseous because that commercial makes it look like a bunch of hopeless losers sitting around at a pity party.  Cue the truth.  The video is secondary.  Visual stimuli that triggers in some of us a recognition as they list off, verbally, the symptoms.  That damn commercial isn’t SUPPOSED to do anything if you’re perfectly healthy.  But it sets off all sorts of alarm bells with those of us that have been there, or those who are there and don’t yet recognize the fact.  You holier than thou pukes don’t know what its like to wake up in the morning, and simply find that you can’t care enough about anything to get out of bed.  You have no clue what its like when wonderful things are happening in your life, but you find yourself to apathetic and lifeless to even enjoy them.  You’ve never bounced out of bed on a Saturday, ready for the day, only to crawl back in less than an hour later, because you lack energy, you’re lifeless, and you can’t get your damn eyes to open.  Spare me your crap.  You’ve never walked into work and nearly lost a sweet job because you so didn’t give a shit that you were just going to do whatever without a single thought for the consequences.  Here’s another newsflash for you.  Chemical Depression is a physical health issue, just like your high cholesterol, or a malfunctioning thyroid gland, or a failing kidney.  It can be cured or kept in check by medication.  Call me when you get cancer, so I can look down at you from my lofty vain perch, and scoff at your “weakness”.  People like you don’t learn anything from someone sitting back quietly explaining some reality to you.  The only way you are ever going to get it is just like this, cracked upside your f-ing rock head. 


You’ve just seen the tip of the iceberg.  Hi, how are ya!  Meet the BEAST.








Anonymous said...

lol,,,,,,not at the depression stuff......I just find humor in the wierdest of things so I guess this is one of those cases. As I was reading that all I could think was "damn Michael really needs to learn how to express himself and quit holding back so much." But seriously, well put.



Roadchick said...

It's hard to know what to say to that except - yep, been there, done that.

Michael Thomas said...

LMAO BD. I like to try different writing styles and writing personalities. This is just one of my more lovable ones. The next entry will probably be about lilacs and ice cream.