11 May 2007

Friday Attitude Check

This is for all you wonderful folks that like to run around like the silver ball in the Pinball machine, spreading bits of hope and joy everywhere, and always reminding us that it takes more muscles to Frown than it does to Smile. Other than this choice bit below, I can only respond that I prefer to work out as many muscles as possible during a session, and I'm trying to incorporate a 43rd into my daily routine.

And now, for a good and timely example of Truth in Advertising


heather said...

what an awesome ad for durex! i love it. the cute little grouchy dude was funny too. ;-)

mist1 said...

When I see an ad like that about my pill, I'll get nervous.

heather said...

mist, cheeks was concieved in spite of trojan and ortha novum. there's only one guarentee and it a doozy! ;-)

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