Just a little bit of info for those that may not know.
For those that know this – it’s easy and comes natural, or else someone walked you through it and you couldn’t repeat the process again if you wanted to.
Either way, this short post isn’t really for you. It’s for those that would like an easier way to do things.
I have a really decent counter and stat tracker on this site. So I notice some patterns in the traffic. First off, almost 100% of ;my initial traffic comes from Debra at Barmaid Blog. I truly think that she has a perverted side, as she did my the Huge service of posting my link on her site. So related to that, I also notice that there are some readers out there, and you know who you are, you guilty little fiends, that make a once or twice daily run through the blog world, checking for new entries. Yesssssssss, we know where you live, too. >>Evil Grin<< Big Brother also noted that this curiously seems to happen with greater frequency during normal work hours. Shame on you!
There are other repeat readers who check my site three to four times a day, presumably waiting breathlessly for my next self whipping. (yes, you people are sick, enjoying it as I inflict literary pain on my own inadequacies. LMAO).
For those that prefer not to have to check that much every day, I have included the links for the RSS feed. If you homepage allows you to add content or add rss feeds, you simply have to edit or add that, and then type in http://www.cardiacfantasies.blogspot.com/XXXX
If your site uses straight rss, replace the four XXXX with rss.xml
If your site uses atom feeds, replace the four XXXX with atom.xml
This will show you the title “Cardiac Fantasies” on your web page, along with the latest three to five entries in the blog, and when they were posted. That way, unless something shows up there, you know there is nothing new but perhaps some comments.
For you Firefox users, it is so incredibly easier and more efficient. Simply click your bookmarks, click manage bookmarks, click file, and “Add New Live Bookmark”. You can name it, then put in www.cardiacfantasies.blogspot.com . It will then give you a bookmark on your bookmark toolbar. When you click that bookmark, it will give you a menu showing ALL of the entries in my blog. If the one at the top is new, then there is a new post, and if not, then there isn’t. This is much more efficient because Firefox checks the site much more often than your homepages web trawler, and so you know sooner that something new is up.
Lastly, for those of you that browse the blog ring (hitting multiple same blogs each day, keep it up. I do the same and it’s fun. You really don’t need the shortcut because you hit all of them Everyday.
Note, the rss and atom feeds will work on any of the Blogspot sites.
Live Journal has a slightly different format, but still similar.
So, Ladies and Gentlemen, Thanks for flying Cardiac Airlines. Please fasten your seatbelts, and enjoy the ride!
And PLEASE, if you have a comment, spit it out. Even if you hate this place, we’d (myself and I) would love to hear from you.